
Breezeswept Beach Estates Bylaws



Section 1
Membership in the Breezeswept Beach Estates Civic Association shall be limited as follows:

Member:  An individual or family may be a property owner or a full time renter of property in Breezeswept Beach Estates.  A member may vote in the affairs of the Association.

Associate Member:  An individual who is not a property owner or renter in Breezeswept Beach Estates but is interested in the affairs of Breezeswept Beach Estates.  Associate Members may not vote in the affairs of the Association.

Section 2

All dues are paid annually for the calendar year.  Dues will be set by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership at the next meeting.


Section 1

The Board shall consist of the four elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), Immediate Past President, and four elected directors.

Section 2

The Board members shall reside in Breezeswept Beach Estates for a substantial part of the year, and shall participate in at least three Board meetings and three General Membership meetings.

Section 3

At the expiration of their term of office, or upon resignation, all members of the Board of Directors shall deliver to their successors all books, papers, and property of the Association.

Section 4

The Board of Directors shall appoint an auditor whose duty is to examine and audit all Association financial records at the close of each year’s business and report the findings to the Board and to the General Membership at the next meeting.

Section 5

In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may appoint an individual to fill the vacancy.




Section 1

President.  The President shall preside at all General Membership meetings of the Association and meetings of the Board. He shall perform all duties incident to the Office, and initiate such action as may be deemed likely to increase the usefulness of the Association.

Section 2

Vice President.  The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President, and shall serve as Committee Coordinator in planning activities of the Association.

Section 3

Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep all books, documents, and communications pertaining to the Association, and prepare and maintain an accurate record of the General Membership and Board meetings.

Section 4

Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall keep books of account in accordance with good practice, and shall receive and disburse the funds of the Association.  The Treasurer shall keep all monies of the Association in a bank account approved by the Board.  At each Board and General Membership meeting the Treasurer shall make available a report of the fiscal status of the Association.


Section 1

The President shall establish all committees, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors.

Section 2  

Authority of Committees.  It shall be the function of committees to investigate and make recommendations.  They shall report to the Vice President.  No special or standing committee shall represent the Association in any manner whatsoever without the specific prior approval or instruction of the Board of Directors.

Section 3

Committee Meetings.  Meetings of committees may be called at any time appropriate to the Chairman of such committee.  It shall be the responsibility of each committee Chairman to record and report on business conducted at committee meetings to the Vice President of the Board of Directors, or to the entire Board at the next Board Meeting.


Section 1

The Board of Directors shall meet at regular periods, at least once every other month.  Absence from three consecutive regular meetings without an excuse deemed valid and so recorded by the Directors shall be construed as a resignation from the Board.

Section 2

A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President or by three Directors, provided that a reasonable notice is given to all available members of the Board.

Section 3

At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4

At all Association meetings, 10 percent of the resident members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5

At committee meetings, a majority shall constitute a quorum; except when a committee consists of more than nine members, five shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6

There shall be a general membership meeting of the Association in the third of every other month starting in January.  The July meeting shall be held at the discretion of the President.  Special General Membership meetings may be called by the President as needed.

Section 7

The order of business at meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Association shall be as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. Copies of previous meeting’s attendance, minutes and current Treasurer’s report made available for review
  3. Reports of Officers and Directors
  4. Reports of Committees
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business

Section 8

All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be settled according to Robert’s Rules of Order whenever they are consistent with the Charter and Bylaws of this Association.

Section 9

Every member shall be entitled to speak upon any subject brought before the Association for consideration.  At the discretion of the President speaking time may be limited.


Section 1

Annual Elections.  The election of Officers and Directors shall be held annually according to the following procedures:

  1. An Election Committee shall be appointed at the September Board meeting, and confirmed at the September General Membership meeting.
  2. Nominations for Officers and Directors shall be initiated at the September General Membership meeting.
  3. In the event that no positions are contested, the Election committee shall move to close the nominations and ask the membership to cast a unanimous ballot completing the election.  The newly elected Board of Directors shall assume office the following January.
  4. All voting for the Board of Directors shall be by mail-in ballot, if any position is contested.
  5. Ballots must be received by the Election Committee by December 31st.
  6. The current Board of Directors and candidates shall be notified immediately upon counting the ballots.  The newly elected Board of Directors shall take office immediately.



Section 1

No disbursements of the funds of the Association shall be made unless it has been approved and ordered by the Board of Directors.  All disbursements shall be made by check and signed by the Treasurer and President or Vice President.

Section 2

The Board, by majority vote of the Directors, shall be authorized and responsible for the timely approval and payment of all normal expenses of the Association.  Any appropriation of money or other property of the Association in an amount greater than $500 shall be authorized only by a majority vote of those voting members present at a meeting of the Association.

Section 3

All moneys collected from sales of tickets, benefits, raffles, specific donations or other means of raising funds, other than membership dues, shall be promptly deposited into the Association’s account, and a record of the transactions shall be submitted to the Treasurer.


Bylaws of the Association as proposed by the Board shall be made, altered and rescinded only by a majority vote of those voting members present at the next general meeting.  The revised Bylaws shall be effective immediately following their adoption.


Revisions adopted:           September 16 , 2007
Previous revisions made:  May 19, 2005, September, 2003 & November, 2001